// Act-On Beacon Library copyright ツゥ Act-On Software (function() { window['ActOn'] = window['ActOn'] || {}; ActOn.Beacon = ActOn.Beacon || {}; ActOn.Beacon.q = ActOn.Beacon.q || []; ActOn.Beacon.mode = ActOn.Beacon.mode || (function() { var beaconMode = 0; return function(mode) { if (mode != null && mode != undefined) { beaconMode = Math.max(beaconMode, mode); } else { return beaconMode; } }; })(); ActOn.Beacon.optIn = ActOn.Beacon.optIn || function(cb) { var optIn = 0; if (this.mode() < 1) cb(true); else if (this.mode() === 3) cb(false); else { var mode = this.mode(); var now = +new Date(); var expiry = new Date(); expiry.setDate(expiry.getDate() + 365); expiry = expiry.toUTCString(); if (document.cookie.indexOf('ao_optin=') >= 0) { document.cookie = "ao_optin=" + now + ";path=/;expires=" + expiry; optIn = 1; cb(true); } else if (document.cookie.indexOf('ao_optout=') >= 0) { document.cookie = "ao_optout=" + now + ";path=/;expires=" + expiry; optIn = -1; cb(false); } else { var optInMessage = 'This site would like to place a cookie on your browser to help us better deliver relevant and valuable content to you.'; if (typeof HTMLDialogElement === 'function') { var dialog = document.createElement('dialog'); dialog.setAttribute("id", "_aoCookieModal"); dialog.style.cssText="all: initial; background: white; width: -webkit-fit-content; height: -webkit-fit-content; left: 0px; right: 0px; position: fixed; display: block; padding: 1em; margin: auto; border: solid; text-align: center;"; var text = document.createElement('p'); text.style.cssText="all: initial; display: block;"; text.innerHTML = optInMessage; var okBtn = document.createElement('button'); okBtn.style.cssText="all: initial; cursor: pointer; margin: 20px 10px 0 10px; padding: 1px 7px 2px; border: 1px solid; border-color: rgb(216, 216, 216) rgb(209, 209, 209) rgb(186, 186, 186); background-color: buttonface;"; okBtn.innerHTML = "OK"; var cancelBtn = document.createElement('button'); cancelBtn.style.cssText="all: initial; cursor: pointer; margin: 20px 10px 0 10px; padding: 1px 7px 2px; border: 1px solid; border-color: rgb(216, 216, 216) rgb(209, 209, 209) rgb(186, 186, 186); background-color: buttonface;"; cancelBtn.innerHTML = "Cancel"; dialog.appendChild(text); dialog.appendChild(okBtn); dialog.appendChild(cancelBtn); okBtn.addEventListener('click', function() { dialog.close(); dialog.parentNode.removeChild(dialog); document.cookie = "ao_optin=" + now + ";path=/;expires=" + expiry; optIn = 1; cb(true); }); cancelBtn.addEventListener('click', function() { dialog.close(); dialog.parentNode.removeChild(dialog); if (mode < 2) document.cookie = "ao_optout=" + now + ";path=/;expires=" + expiry; optIn = -1; cb(false); }); document.body.appendChild(dialog); dialog.showModal(); } else { if (confirm(optInMessage)) { document.cookie = "ao_optin=" + now + ";path=/;expires=" + expiry; optIn = 1; } else { if (this.mode() < 2) document.cookie = "ao_optout=" + now + ";path=/;expires=" + expiry; optIn = -1; } cb(optIn > 0); } } }; }; var buildParameters = function(resource, event, timestamp, cb) { event = event || 'page'; ActOn.Beacon.optIn(function(nc){ var parameters = "?ref=" + encodeURIComponent(document.referrer) + "&v=2&ts=" + timestamp + "&nc=" + ((nc) ? "0" : "1"); if (resource) { if (event == 'page') { parameters += "&page=" + encodeURIComponent(resource); } } cb(parameters); }) }; var addListener = function(elem, type, fn) { if (elem.addEventListener) { elem.addEventListener(type, fn, false); } else if(elem.attachEvent) { elem.attachEvent("on" + type, function() { return fn.call(elem, window.event); }); } } var track = function(){ ActOn.Beacon.account(29088, 0, '//marketing.johncrane.com/acton/bn/29088'); ActOn.Beacon.track = function(resource, event, timestamp) { timestamp = timestamp || +new Date(); buildParameters(resource, event, timestamp, function(parameters){ for (var id in ActOn.Beacon.account()) { var image = new Image(); image.src = ActOn.Beacon.account(id).target + parameters; } ActOn.Beacon.q.push({r: resource, e: event, t: timestamp}); }); }; }; ActOn.Beacon.account = ActOn.Beacon.account || (function() { var accounts = {}; return function(id, mode, target) { if (id) { if (target) { this.mode(mode); if (!accounts[id]) { for (var i = 0; i < this.q.length; i++) { var image = new Image(); buildParameters(this.q[i].r, this.q[i].e, this.q[i].t, function(parameters){ image.src = target + parameters; }); } } accounts[id] = {mode: mode, target: target}; } else { return accounts[id]; } } else { return accounts; } }; })(); if(document.readyState == "complete"){ track(); } else { addListener(window, "load", track); } })(); ActOn.Beacon.cookie = ActOn.Beacon.cookie || {}; ActOn.Beacon.cookie['29088'] = '1861761d-1961-4c50-989f-f0eb1649ce6a';